Bardo still obsessed with celebrity

For those who aren’t sure who Robert Bardo is, he is serving a life sentence after stalking and killing the actress Rebecca Schaefer. He was obsessed with celebrities and, it seems he still is. In his latest letter to me , he asked me to send him pictures of various celebrities in bikinis including Kendal and Kylie Jenner, Miley Cyrus as well as many others he said that he wanted to do some drawings of them.

He was sentenced to life without parole and it’s very unlikely that he will ever be released . It was eerie to read his letter where all he spoke of was celebrities he likes and I did wonder how he was even aware of some of them l what media does he have access to ?

Sharing a letter

Yesterday I had a visit from a friend who is very much Into crafts and card making . As we sat in the kitchen sharing tea she noticed a letter I had open and was In the middle of replying to.

She kept saying how beautiful the letter I had recieved looked and after she and looked at it I decided that I would tell her who the letter was from. Her admiration of the letter changed instantly , it was as if someone had thrown water in her face. I asked her if she now saw the letter in a different way and she admitted that she did. She too could not grasp that hands that had taken so many lives could make something so beautiful.

This is the reason, or one of the reasons that I am reluctant to share any letters that I get. I also have had people call me a serial killer groupie . The fact that I studied both law and psychology doesn’t make a difference. Yet psychology is a big part in why I do what I do. I’m interested in what makes these people do what many consider evil acts . Again, I’d love to hear what you think about people who write to death row inmates , or even if you have a loved one in prison . Also, are you one of the people who think that these inmates should not be able to have the luxury of writing to anyone other than family ?


Let me know and I will get back to you

Protests And what you want to see next

What do you think to the people who stand outside the jails when an execution is about to take place , holding placards ?

Should it be allowed , should people driving by have to see this . Is it not enough that a person is about to die ?

What side would you be on ?


let me hear your opinions and let me know who you would like to hear about next, do you want to see actual letters ? Is there a case you want to see discussed ?

Paula Sims

The majority of female killers are in jail for killing a spouse or child . Only rarely do they kill a stranger as in the case of Aileen Wuornos etc . Most often they are motivated by greed , maybe a huge insurance payout . Sometimes they are retaliating against abuse suffered.

The women who kill their children in a lot of cases are suffering from post partum depression.

This apparently, was the case with Paula Sims who was found guilty of killing her two daughters years apart. Many have said she killed them because they were girls and her husband did not want daughters, a woman who shared a room with her at the hospital after her first daughter was born said she overheard Paula on the phone to her husband after the birth of her first child saying sorry for having a girl! On both occasions in different homes, she told the police that someone had come Into her home and taken her child. If she had done this just the once , she would have gotten away with murder. The police never charged her in the first case and it was only after she did the same thing again that she was looked at more closely and eventually arrested. She resides today in jail serving a life sentence that’s still being appealed using the PPD defence that she says was not taken into account and also the control her husband had over her. The only way she will be freed is if she is pardoned by the governor of the state.

It is a fact that many women who kill children when they are young are suffering from PPD but was this the case with Paula?

Paula’s letters to me were full of hope and she will often send me pictures of cats and other animals. She talks a lot about her appeals and is hopeful that one day she will be released back into society. Recently , her surviving son and ex husband were killed in a car accident and she took that really hard. She had no contact with her son as he refused to talk to her . I’d love it if you could have a look at the case and tell me what you think. Was this a woman pushed to the brink of madness by a controlling husband as many have said ? Was she doing what he wanted ? Making sure there were no girls in the family, in between the births of both of her daughters her Son was born and he was kept safe, even during the second so called kidnap.

Let me know

Darlie Routier

Convicted in Texas for the murder of sons Damon and Devon . This is one case where I have some doubts about the evidence . A bloody sock was found away from the home , the wounds she’s sustained and that the prosecution said were self inflicted were serious , one just 2mm away from her carotid artery. She has stuck to the same story since the day she was first arrested

Her letters are full of religious themes and talk of appeals and raising money for new DNA testing that she says will exonerate her.

A lot say she was tried by the media after video evidence of her spraying silly string on her sons grave were shown to the jurors and played on tv

I’d love to hear people’s thoughts about this case . Do you think she did it , or was it a case of media tried justice denied.

Marty Olsen

The crime happened in Wyoming . Three innocent people shot dead in a bar by one man.

This was my first penpal and I wanted to find out more about him,by this time the internet was just starting to get used a lot by regular people so all the Information I wanted was there for me to see. Marty’s story differed only slightly from what was reported. He never denied doing what he had done,but , he did give it a more emotional slant.

He had gone into the bar that day and he had shot them all , two men, one woman. he talked about this openly but he did say that his paranoia was in overdrive that day,due mainly to drug and alcohol misuse,he had thought that they were talking about him and after going to use the bathroom he came out with his gun, made them lay on the floor and shot them.  After he had committed the murders he had called his mother and she in turn called the police . He was caught quickly and sentenced to death. This sentence was later commuted to life and he resides in a Wyoming penitentiary today . The first picture I ever received from him, was of him in his marines uniform, along with a picture of his then young daughter who in a way was another victim of what her father had done. I’m not going to name her , as I’m sure her life is hard enough. How do you explain that your father is a killer

In his letters he spoke about his conditions on death row and that there was only himself and one other man.

He was always hopeful about his appeals and wrote as soon as his sentence had been commuted . He had a lot of remorse over what he had done and regret at how his life had turned out. Don’t get me wrong he never thought he should be free , he believed that he deserved to be punished . He wishes that he had tried harder to be a better person after he had left the military .a better son,father and husband

Every letter he writes , he signs off    Love, Heart and Soul .



Art sent to myself

I know a lot of people seek out art that has been done by infamous inmates and the money that it fetches. I, have received quite a few pieces of art In different forms and some of the things I have received are down right eerie. A picture of a menacing looking owl with the caption I have my eye on you definitely made me gulp. It was a good painting, but knowing who it came from maybe that is what made it look more menacing than it actually was. I’ve received drawings of Freddy Krueger, cute little cats, a fish in a bowl and a collage of butterflies.

Some of the art is terrible and like something a child would draw all signed and dated as if it were to be placed in a gallery.

I have on a few occasions shown people the things I have received and nine times out of ten they say the same thing , ooooh that will be worth some money! I can honestly say that I have never ever thought about selling anything that was sent to me. It’s not something I would be comfortable doing. I’ve said in my earlier blogs the reasons I write to these death row inmates and it certainly is not to make any money, so , my question for you is , would you ever purchase a drawing or painting done by someone residing on death row. If yes, why , if not,why. Please let me know your thoughts